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The Innovation Room

The Importance of Sustainability and Branding in the FM Industry | Episode 31

The Innovation Room Podcast
The Innovation Room Podcast
The Importance of Sustainability and Branding in the FM Industry | Episode 31

In this week’s episode, join hosts Tori Homann and Rhianon Huff with special guests Rebecca Handfield, and Kirsten Sokolowski as they discuss branding for Facilities Management (FM) companies, emphasizing the importance of understanding and evolving your brand’s strengths, weaknesses, and history. They stress clear, consistent communication both internally and externally, highlighting expertise, thought leadership, and addressing client needs. The conversation also underscores the uniqueness of each brand, the importance of market adaptation, sustainability, environmental stewardship, energy efficiency, transparency, diversity, and culture in branding. They caution against being inauthentic and ignoring market needs and trends.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand your brand’s strengths, weaknesses, and history to guide its evolution
  • Communicate your brand’s message clearly and consistently across all platforms
  • Focus on expertise and thought leadership to provide value and address client needs
  • Adapt to changes in the market and remain flexible in your branding approach
  • Transparency, diversity, and culture are important aspects of branding
  • Avoid being inauthentic and ignoring market needs and trends in branding


00:00 Introductions

00:50 Guest Introductions and Career Trajectories

05:15 Branding for FM Companies: Challenges and Strategies

09:51 The Importance of Sustainability and Branding in the FM Industry

21:28 Avoiding Branding Pitfalls and Embracing Market Needs and Trends

28:54 Wrapping Up: Key Takeaways

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